Bill & Grace Harding
Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Bill and Grace have dedicated a lifetime to serving and ministering to the people of Ethiopia particularly in Yirgacheffe. This commitment started when his father entered mission work in Ethiopia in 1954. Fast forward to 1983, Bill and Grace launched into missionary work in Ethiopia with SIM with Bill acting as a water engineer. Through drilling wells and capping springs in drought-stricken Ethiopia, Bill was not only able to give clean physical water, but also introduce many to the Living Water in Jesus Christ. This was the launch pad into the decades of work establishing The Harding Memorial Bible School and its many regional satellite campuses. In addition to these vital pathways for Christian leadership development, they have faithfully preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ and planted churches.

Tim & Esther
Business as Mission
North Africa
Tim and Esther’s story starts with their roots in Guam and involvement at Bayview Church. During a missions conference at Bayview, Tim was inspired and heard the Lord’s call to bring the gospel to every tribe, tongue and nation. That calling was specifically to reach frontier people groups in the 10/40 window. This is a small subset of unreached people group (UPG) with virtually no followers of Jesus (0.1% or fewer Christian Adherents) and no known movements to Jesus. As pioneer workers in a closed country in N. Africa, Tim and Esther have labored to establish various innovative local businesses which have been vehicles for groundbreaking local outreach and evangelism. Click here to request to become a prayer partner.

Louis and Lisa Shanks
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Latin America
From the time Louis and Lisa Shanks joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1977, their hearts’ desire has remained the same: To make it possible for people in every corner of the world to have access to God’s Word in the language they understand best. Louis checks the quality of Scriptures drafted by local speakers of minority languages. Lisa assists Louis in various editing and communication tasks. Currently, their area of ministry is in the Americas, especially in the Spanish-speaking countries.

Steve and Anne Stinnette
Liebenzell USA
Micronesia and the US
Steve and Anne Stinnette are currently serving as missions mobilizers for Liebenzell USA. In addition, Steve has the role of Leadership Development Coordinator for the churches in Micronesia. They moved to Micronesia in 1979 where they have been involved in evangelism and discipleship ministries, first with Campus Crusade (CRU), and then with Liebenzell USA since the mid-nineties. In 2020, Anne returned to the U.S., and Steve joined her in 2021. They plan to continue ministry to Micronesian families in the U.S.
Steve was born and raised in Virginia and Anne was born in Izmir, Turkey into a US Army family that moved every couple of years of her childhood, living several places in Europe and around the United States. The Stinnettes both graduated from Radford College, where they also met. They have two adult children, three grandchildren and several ‘adopted’ children and grandchildren.

David and Beth Penny
International Development & Educational Associates (IDEAS)
North Africa
Dave and Beth have been blessed with long ministry careers and are amongst many of our Bayview missionaries whom we have supported for more than three decades. While with WorldVenture, the Penneys have invested over 20 years in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania engaged in evangelism and church planting. This ministry had its humble beginnings as underground fellowship groups in their home. Now based in Tunisia, the Penney’s have broadened their mission efforts throughout North Africa being salt and light to those in Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania, training up the next generation of local Christian leaders. Additionally, they have spent more than a decade engaged in leadership, training, and support roles at IDEAS.

Joseph Baranyi
Hungarian Ministry International
Joseph is a faithful saint celebrating over 50 years in missions and currently presides as the president of HMI. His life’s work and the work of the organization he leads focuses on creative and dynamic evangelism to Eastern Europe particularly Hungary and Hungarian speaking people. His ministry activities include various Bible-related publications, audio Bible production and Bible translation such as the Hungarian ESV Study Bible. Additionally, they actively proclaim the Gospel through their radio ministry, podcast mission, and evangelistic outreach events.

Rose Ludwig
CRU (Campus Crusade)
University of Guam
CRU is a multifaceted organization focused on fulfilling the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others. Rose has been invested in their campus ministries division based the UOG campus. Her aim has been to help students come to know Jesus, grow in their faith, and go to their families, communities and the world to share God’s love. Some of her ministry activities include shepherding campus witnessing opportunities, building Christian community amongst believers through prayer and Bible study groups, evangelistic student training, and organizing local short-term missions trips.

Meno & Anat Kalisher
Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Jerusalem, Israel
Meno and Anat have been faithful workers in The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. At its heart, the organization is committed to teaching how scripture reveals God’s love and passion for Jewish people and the biblical significance of the land of Israel. Today, there are some 15 million Jewish people in the world, most of whom live in the United States, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, England, Argentina, Russia, and other states of the former Soviet Union. The Friends of Israel is active in each of these countries, ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of the sons and daughters of Abraham. Meno and Anat have had the privilege to participate in this good work by leading a church in Jerusalem and fostering various creative outreach and evangelistic ministries. These include church planting, translation work, youth camps, young adult homeless outreach, media ministry and gospel tracts. Additionally, Meno speaks internationally and continues to regularly publish Christian works.

Rudi Wien
FEBC Headquarters in CA
Rudi entered mission work with FEBC in the early 1980’s engaged in shortwave radio broadcast to Asia Pacific from their Saipan station. Over time, he has rose to senior consultant for FEBC Eurasia where he oversees their radio ministry outreach to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Richard & Gloria Persons
Cross World
For more than 4 decades, Richard and Gloria have labored for Gospel change in local communities in the Philippines. Richard’s story starts here in Guam where he was a local teacher and attended Bayview Church. Richard heard the Lord’s calling and accepted a teaching position at Faith Academy in Manila. This led to him meeting his wife, Gloria, and the eventual partnership with CrossWorld for church planting. Their diligent work has resulted in five church plants in Guindulman, Tagbilaran City, Mandaue City, Consolacion, and Cebu City. This demanding work of leadership and vision casting comes with the privilege of investing in future church leaders and the discipleship of new believers. Additionally, they have heavily invested themselves in the operations and gospel work of Camp Karis in Ubay, Bohol as lead administrators. This is a Christian children’s camp focused on evangelism to the regional communities often hosting 250+ campers. Camp Karis also plays a role as an international training center for pastors and missionaries, well as, periodically hosting international missions conferences.

Scott & Leslie Powell
SEND international
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Since 1985, Scott and Leslie Powell have been global workers serving with SEND International, an international mission organization with teams engaging over 50 unreached peoples in Asia, Europe, North America, and Eurasia. Scott and Leslie served to plant two churches among the Hakka Chinese in Taiwan, and then provided leadership for SEND’s teams in Taiwan and Asia. He and Leslie now are team leaders of the SEND International Team in Lancaster, PA. The team shares Jesus’ message and love with Arabic speakers and those from a different religious tradition, primarily from the Middle East. As they serve with a larger network that includes workers who speak Arabic, God is raising up disciples of Jesus from this group of people. The Powells join others from this background in worshiping our Lord Jesus as part of a new church fellowship of Arabic (and other language) speakers.

Percy & Carol Valiente
Lima, Peru
Since 1987, Percy and Carol have sown the Gospel seed amongst the lost in Peru. Their evangelism, discipleship and church planting has manifested itself through evangelistic open-air campaigns, establishing the first Christian TV station in Peru, planting Comunidad Cristiana para la Familia church, and founding and leading the School of Biblical Manhood. Through the years, Percy has continually invested in premarital counseling, organizing marriage retreats and discipling young married couples. Also, Carol has been blessed through her decades of Women’s Bible studies. Their present ministry efforts have been spreading the Gospel in a unique unreached people group; Peruvian bikers. This has been through the establishing and leading of the Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) chapter in Peru to reach the lost souls of the motorcycle community throughout the country.

Betty Amon
Wycliffe Bible Translation
For several decades, Betty has been engaged in full-time work translating the Old and New Testaments of the Bible into the Nukuoroan language. Nukuoroan is the native language of a small people group located on the Nukuoro Atoll of Pohnpei State FSM. In August 2022, Betty’s faithfully laboring resulted in the completion of the first full native translation of the Bible to these people. Additionally, Betty has been a long-time member of our church going back to 1992.

Marty & Denise Shaw
Marty and Denise have found themselves living out Jesus’ calling to preach to the entire globe through local missions work in Asia and through the ever-increasing leadership roles at WorldVenture. Recently, they have served as Global Directors for Asia Pacific. Their role has been to invest in the success of committed global workers in discipling the nations, and seeing lives and communities transformed. They have done this by providing visionary leadership, leadership development, and networking resources and people. Additionally, they see disciple-making and church planting as the cornerstones for seeing the world transformed. With their unique evangelistic experience and connections to Ukraine, they have played a vital role as leadership for WorldVenture outreach in Poland to those displaced by the war.

Skip & Ruth Sorensen
Mbarara, Uganda
Skip and Ruth’s missions journey started with hearing the call to engage the world for gospel impact. In 1984, this divine calling and appointment lead them to invest their lives in the people of Uganda and western Africa. A large part of their ministry efforts involves the shepherding of the Western Uganda Baptist Theological Seminary where the next generation of local leaders and disciple-makers find much need doctrinal nourishment and guidance. Additionally, they actively lead and host seminars, conferences, and local bible schools to further increase the breadth and depth of their Gospel impact. Their hearts desire is to continue to have the Lord bless their efforts in equipping Ugandans for discipleship, pastoral ministry, and church planting.

John & Kris Voss
Partille, Sweden
With the increasing secularization of western nations and geopolitical displacement of large numbers of unreached people groups, the mission field continues to change. As such, some of the least-reached people are now flocking to developed nations particularly in Europe. In this context, John and Kris heard the calling to evangelize unbelievers, make disciples and produce disciple makers in Sweden. Their missions efforts have been broad and multifaceted to include neighborhood evangelistic projects, children’s outreach, local bible studies, and Christian counseling (pre-marital, marital, men’s and women’s counseling). In addition, John teaches and preaches at Sandeslatts Christian Church in Gothenburg, Sweden and lead the board of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Sweden. He also produces weekly online Christian content, and monthly prayer letters, and regularly teaches correspondence and teacher training courses.

PMA (Pacific Mission Aviation)
The primary goal of Pacific Mission Aviation is to glorify God, and make our Lord Jesus Christ known to the peoples of Micronesia and the Philippines. Aircraft and boats are utilized to bring the gospel to remote island peoples who might otherwise remain unreached.

PCN (Pacific Church Network)
Pacific Church Network is a partnership of many ethnically and culturally diverse churches who work together to strengthen and establish churches to influence their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our churches are committed to a common statement of faith and to participation together toward the advancement of the gospel. Pacific Church Network churches partner together to EQUIP each other, ENCOURAGE each other, and ESTABLISH new churches together. We are led by a board, governed by agreed upon bylaws, and funded by our member churches. PCN has churches in Southern California, Hawaii, Guam, Texas and Seattle.