ANNOUNCEMENT Check out our new Bayview video here

Bayview Community Groups

The heartbeat of discipleship and the "one anothers"

At Bayview we believe that community relationships are at the heart of where gospel growth happens. Jesus said I give you a new commandment, which was to “love one another.” We desire our community groups to be like families who share, nurture, support and love through living life together. Whether you are here on Guam long term, or for a short time – we hope that you can move beyond the Sunday morning service to connecting with people in our smaller community groups to live the gospel out in life.

Community at Bayview

If you would like to learn more about our current groups, please click on the applicable card below:

If you are not ready to commit to a specific group or would like help in getting an assignment, please sign up here:

If you are interested in serving as a host for one of our community groups, you can sign up here: